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A typical conversation with a prospective groom
Him : What kind of a role are you into at work ?
Me :I am working with an IT company
Him :What are your hobbies ?
Me : I like reading quite a bit, watch a lot of movies...What about you ?
Him : I like opera, paragliding, bungee jumping ( and everything else he assumes makes him look ULTRA COOL !
Me : That's great ! How many times have you bungee-jumped ?
Him : Errrr.. Never, but I plan to soon.
( And now for the BIG ONE !)
Ok, this seems like an everyday ordinary conversation. But, I have never understood why I am always subjected to the " Do You Party " question ?I agree that I don't conform to the usual dress code for a prospective bride-groom meeting preceding an arranged marriage.I am comfortable in my denims and I want the man I marry to know that.But does that make me a "party girl"?
Don't get me wrong here .. I have nothing against people who enjoy partying..Its the stereotype that hurts.Just because I dress a certain way or I take care of the way my make-up does looks, does not mean I am out there every night swigging a Bacardi?
And does it really help that I might say No just to keep you happy and then party every night once we are married !
Try to figure out who I am beyond the clothes I wear..See if you can be someone who'll understand my hopes and dreams, what makes me the person I am, what hurts me and makes me cry, what lights up my day ? Will I be someone you can wake up next to for the rest of your life ? And, I promise you,I'll do the same.
"All I ask of you is to take me as I am..
This may mean you'll have to be a STRONGER man ...."
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